Tooth Extractions – Bedford, TX
Give Your Smile a Healthier Future
Many individuals assume the removal of a tooth is only necessary when bad oral health and hygiene occur. While this is true in some cases, there are other reasons why a person might need to have one or more of their teeth extracted. At Meadow Park Family Dentistry, we recommend this procedure only if it is absolutely necessary. We want to try all other options before resorting to a tooth extraction in Bedford. However, if your oral and overall health are at risk, you can trust that we will ensure your comfort and safety before starting the procedure.
Why Choose Meadow Park Family Dentistry for Tooth Extractions?
- High-Quality Tooth Replacement Options Available
- Our Team Pays Close Attention to Patient Comfort
- Wisdom Tooth Extractions Performed
When Are Tooth Extractions Necessary?

Removing a tooth may not be something you ever expect to experience, but Dr. B may recommend this form of treatment if you:
- Have a tooth that is decayed is it is spreading to other teeth nearby
- Have experienced extreme facial trauma while playing sports
- Have a severe infection (abscess), and it is posing a risk to your overall health
- Have impacted or partially erupted wisdom teeth that need to be removed
- Need dental prosthetics but have teeth that are likely to fall out